Googong Public School


At Googong Public School, we adhere to the NSW Department of Education expectation that students in Years K-6 are expected to participate in a minimum of 150 minutes of planned moderate with some vigorous physical activity across the school week. This time includes planned weekly sport.

Sports Carnivals:

All K-6 students are provided the opportunity to engage in sporting carnivals. These carnivals promote participation at all ability levels and fosters a sense of team spirit and comradery between our students. Students compete against their peers from Googong Public School.

Students turning 8 years or older, who are competitive at their chosen sport/s compete at the school carnivals to gain qualification into the District carnivals. Here they compete for Googong Public School against students from other schools. If successful, they move on to the Regional carnival, representing the Queanbeyan district. If successful at Regional level, they move on to the State Championships and represent the South Coast Region.


Our school is a member of the NSW Primary School Sports Association (NSW PSSA) The NSWPSSA provides opportunities for primary students to participate in competitive sport at the state level and above. More information, including dates of representative sports can be found here.

NSW PSSA Representative Trials:

Stage 3 students are provided an opportunity to represent the Queanbeyan district via their nominated sports. These trials occur outside of school hours and it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to get their child to the trials. Students/parents from Years 4 and 5 complete an Expression of Interest, organised by the school, in Term 4 identifying the sports that they would like to trial for in the following year. If there is significant interest in a particular sport, students may be required to trial at school before being selected to go to the District trials. Students are able to trial for the following sports:

-          AFL (Boys/Girls)

-          Basketball (Boys/Girls)

-          Cricket (Boys/Girls)

-          Golf (Boys/Girls)

-          Hockey (Boys/Girls)

-          Netball (Boys/Girls)

-          Rugby 7’s (Girls)

-          Rugby League (Boys/Girls)

-          Rugby Union (Boys)

-          Soccer (Boys/Girls)

-          Softball (Boys/Girls)

-          Tennis (Boys/Girls)

-          Touch Football (Boys/Girls)

If successful at the District trial, they will be notified by the convenor that they have been selected to represent the Queanbeyan District for that sport at the next level, which often occurs in the form of a gala day, during school hours. Once again, it is the parent/carer responsibility to arrange transport to these days. The convenor will provide the selected student with a permission note which must be signed by the school principal.

NSW PSSA State Knockout Teams:

At Googong Public School, we gather interest from the incoming Year 5/6 students at the end of the preceding year to determine the most popular sports. We then submit entries, based on those sports selected to the NSW PSSA Knockout tournaments for the following year.

Students then trial at school and if selected for the team, they play for Googong Public School against other local schools. If successful in their game, they move on in the knockout and start to play other schools in surrounding regions. These games occur during school hours and are organised by the school.